I want to first extend my condolences to everyone who has lost family and friends in the earthquake. As we all know, this was a tragedy of unimagined scale in a country that is absolutely ill-equipped to handle the disaster and ruin left in the wake. I have lost good friends who will always be remembered and who are propelling me forward to help with the emergency management and recovery efforts.
It is almost impossible for the Haitian people to begin to think about reconstruction while there are still so many immediate needs, and we are in such deep mourning. However, we know the rebuilding process will be a long and complicated road so we must begin to consider how to move forward even while the relief workers continue their missions. Internationally, the Diaspora community must come together to provide support for both short and long term priorities.
The Diaspora groups throughout the United States and internationally should come together to establish a coalition focused on developing a recommended strategic recovery and rebuilding plan for the Haitian government. There are many international actors involved at this stage, but it is important for reconstruction and planning to have a Haitian face.

As you may know, the Chinese experienced an earthquake similar is scope and magnitude. In the Sichuan province, they lost almost 50,000 people in a 8.0 magnitude earthquake. More than 46 million people were affected. Working with international governments, they put in place Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) to ensure that the aid was focused on key priorities defined by the Chinese government and managed by the international government. In the US, the PPP was managed by USAID (for information on this plan, please go to: http://www.usaid.gov/locations/asia/countries/china/earthquake/
This experience could serve as a model for Haiti on how to proceed with managing the international aid money that is pouring in.

Second, and more important to the long term, is to put together a strategic and transparent long-term plan for recovery. The plan should include goals and benchmarks for the infrastructure and social institutions along with recommendations for how to ensure an open, transparent system for managing reconstruction projects. And above all, we will call for accountability. One of the major issues that we will address is the effective deployment of international aid. Clearly, international aid will play a central role in rebuilding Haiti. However, this crisis has cast a spotlight on the lack of progress and development in the country despite US$13 billion in foreign aid that has gone to Haiti over the past 25 years. This must change. With the world watching, Haiti must get this rebuilding process right.

In order to move forward with this plan, we should set up an international coordination mechanism pulling together all of the local and regional Haitian Diaspora coalitions under an overarching coordinating umbrella. This Haitian Coalition could coordinate and synthesize the recommendations and insights of the Haitian Diaspora and Diaspora organizations in order to achieve a more comprehensive and robust initiative.
The Coalition could convene a plenary session in early March at the OAS headquarters in DC to:
· Launch the Haitian Coalition
· Invite international organizations and actors with expertise in disaster recovery to share expertise and advice
· Discuss and elaborate a 10-year reconstruction plan to be submitted to the Haitian Government
I would initially recommend that we convene a general session but then break into theme and objective based panels and workshops led by technical and sector experts. Panels and workshops could report out their findings for the overall plan and recommendations. I am very open to recommendations on panels and how to structure the event (including event duration, such as one or two days).
In addition, I would also recommend that everyone review the Nine Principles of Development as outlined by Andrew Natsios, former head of the USAID. I have attached the nine principles to serve as our guide as we begin to consider rebuilding. If you would like further information, please go to: http://www.usaid.gov/policy/2005_nineprinciples.htm.

I know that the Diaspora community is poised and ready to help fill the voids in our country and its management as a result of this terrible earthquake. I know that we are all dedicated to helping our beloved country reach the potential that we know it has. From the devastation, there may be a real chance to break free of the failed-state legacy and show the world who we really are: a strong, proud, resilient and resourceful people who can rebuild from the rubble a vibrant, developing country.
Thank you for your consideration. Please do not hesitate to contact me at (202) 256-6026 or centurionlucas@gmail.com with any questions or comments. In addition, I will post updates and planning details on my blog: www.solutionshaiti.blogspot.com.
Kembe la.
Nine Principles of Development
As Outlined by Andrew Natsios, former head of USAID
1. Ownership
Build on the leadership, participation, and commitment of a country and its people.
2. Capacity-Building
Strengthen local institutions, transfer technical skills, and promote appropriate policies.
3. Sustainability
Design programs to ensure their impact endures.
4. Selectivity
Allocate resources based on need, local commitment, and foreign policy interests.
5. Assessment
Conduct careful research, adapt best practices, and design for local conditions.
6. Results
Focus resources to achieve clearly defined, measurable and strategically-focused objectives.
7. Partnership
Collaborate closely with governments, communities, donors, NGOs, the private sector, international organizations, and universities.
8. Flexibility
Adjust to changing conditions, take advantage of opportunities, and maximize efficiency.
9. Accountability
Design accountability and transparency into systems and build effective checks and balances to guard against corruption.
1. M. Hédi Annabi Représentant spécial du Secrétaire général en Haïti (Tunisie) 2. Mme Pierrena Annilus Assistante adminsitrative (Haïti) 3. M. Mesonne Antoine Garde de sécurité (Haïti) 4. M. Jerry Bazile Interprète (Haïti) 5. M. Mario Bazile Assistant d’information (Haïti) 6. M. Parnel Beauvoir Spécialiste de l’information (Haïti) 7. Mme Farah Boereau Interprète (Haïti) 8. Mme Renée Carrier Assistante personnelle du Représentant spécial (Canada) 9. Mme Ericka Chambers Norman Fonctionnaire du Groupe de la Commission d’enquête (États-Unis d’Amérique) 10. M. Doug Coates Chef par intérim de la Police (Canada) 11. M. James Coates Assistant administratif (Canada) 12. Mme Maria Antonieta Castillo Santa Maria Assistante administrative (Mexique) 13. M. Luiz Carlos da Costa Représentant spécial adjoint du Secrétaire général en Haïti (Brésil) 14. Mme Alexandra Duguay Assistante d’information (Canada) 15. Mme Dede Yebovi Fadairo Chargée de rédaction (Nigéria) 16. M. Guido Galli Spécialiste des questions politiques hors classe (Italie) 17. M. Andrew Grene Assistant spécial au Représentant spécial en Haïti (États-Unis d’Amérique) 18. M. Jan Olaf Hausotter Spécialiste des questions politiques (Allemagne) 19. M. Karimou Ide Garde de sécurité (Niger) 20. M. Watanga Lwango Assistant à la vérification des comptes (République démocratique du Congo) 21. Mme Lisa Mbele-Mbong Spécialiste des droits de l’homme (États-Unis d’Amérique) 22. M. Riquet Michel Réalisateur d’émissions radiophoniques (Haïti) 23. M. Hebert Moise Chauffeur (Haïti) 24. M. Marc Plum Chef de la Section de l’assistance électorale (France) 25. Mme Mirna Patricia Rodas Arreola Secrétaire (Guatemala) 26. M. Guillaume Siemienski Spécialiste des questions politiques (Canada) 27. M. Satnam Singh Consultant international responsable des technologies de l’information (Trigyn Technologies Inc.) (Inde) 28. Mme Simone Rita Trudo Assistante personnelle du Représentant spécial adjoint principal du Secrétaire général (France) 29. Mme Andrea Loi Valenzuela Spécialiste des droits de l’homme (Chili) 30. M. Frederick Wooldridge Spécialiste des questions politiques (Royaune-Uni) 31. M. Jerome Yap Assistant personnel du Représentant spécial adjoint principal du Secrétaire général (Philippines) Dernière mise à jour : le 25 janvier 2010 P.S Source : ONUListe provisoire de 31 responsables et personnels de la MINUSTAH tués
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