Question of the Inter-American Dialogue: Edmond Mulet, head of the UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti, or MINUSTAH, said last week that Haiti has made some strides in the past year, pointing to improvements in dealing with violence and rampant crime. What other improvements do you see in Haiti? ----------------
Stanley Lucas’ Response: For real progress, I would actually point to the strong development of the NGOs working in the health area in Haiti to provide effective services needed by thousands of Haitians. There is good partnership and ownership of the program by the private and public sector. Haitians are leading the initiative and have really stepped up to make a difference in this area. It is remarkable.
Question of the Inter-American Dialogue: Where has the international community failed? --------------------------
Stanley Lucas’ Response: This is the sixth United Nations mission to Haiti in less than 10 years at the request of the Lavalas party. Previous missions and the current missions have failed in two areas: 1) holding the Haitian government accountable to follow through on their promises to bring stability to the country; and 2) not taking into account the nine principles of reconstruction and development proposed by Andrew Natsios. These principles, including ownership, capacity building, sustainability, selectivity, assessment, results, partnership, flexibility, and accountability, should serve as a checklist against all programs that are developed to target issues in Haiti.
Question of the Inter-American Dialogue: How much longer do you think MINUSTAH will be needed in Haiti?"---------------------------------------- ----------
Stanley Lucas’ Response: The length of MINUSTAH's tenure lies squarely in the hands of the Haitian government and its ability to bring about real stability. Currently, MINUSTAH's strategy is not to strengthen institutions and build capacity; rather, they are managing the process themselves versus giving the Haitians the tools to build a sustainable system. Haiti deserves better. --------------------
*Stanley Lucas www.solutionshaiti.blogspot.com has extensive experience in political party development and democracy building projects internationally. Most recently, he has worked in Afghanistan, the Middle East, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean. Lucas is currently Executive Director of the Washington Democracy Project. See also contributions by Mark Schneider, James Morrell and Eddie Lagroue at: www.thedialogue.org
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