It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light

Mwen se echantiyon yon ras kap boujonnen men ki poko donnen

Si vous voulez vous faire des ennemis essayer de changer les choses

Monday, November 29, 2010

The Fix is in, Preval Rigs Haiti's Elections by Stanley Lucas (Update 2 Decembre)

Mid-day Sunday 16 of the 18 presidential candidates called for an annulment of today’s elections see: .  

They stated that their poll watchers witnessed local poll workers, put in place by the partisan Provisional Electoral Council (CEP), stuffing more than 90% of the official ballots boxes overnight in favor of President Preval’s chosen successor, Jude Celestin.  They cited numerous cases of voter intimidation and violence throughout the country.

The candidates will meet tomorrow to discuss their political options, but if history is a guide, the Haitian people will rise up and call for the resignation of the president and new elections to be scheduled as soon as possible.  This is exactly what transpired after corrupt elections in 1988 leading to the election of President Aristide and in 2006 resulting in the election of President Preval.

Tomorrow the CEP will announce that there were some irregularities, but nothing significant, and that 96% of the vote has been counted with Jude Celestin as the clear winner.  It is also anticipated that the UN Mission in Haiti, MINUSTAH, will certify the elections also noting some irregularities, but likely arguing that the country is in need of new leadership after the year they have had.  They will urge Haitians to accept the results in the interest of stability and recognizing the dire state Haiti is in.  These were their talking points after the May 2000 elections, but the Haitians never bought the argument.

For the Haitian people, the MINUSTAH has been almost totally discredited after a string of scandals, see: including the most recent controversy surrounding the cholera outbreak.  Overwhelming evidence has been put forth identifying the Nepalese base of the MINUSTAH as the source of the cholera, but the UN refuses to investigate the source calling such an investigation a distraction.   Recent video has surfaced showing UN soldiers firing on and killing several Haitian protestors.  The UN labeled the protestors “criminals” – but failed to note they were unarmed.  The MINUSTAH mission in Haiti has become so corrupt it rivals the UN’s oil-for-food scandal in Iraq.

Haiti’s lucrative telecom company will also come out in support of the elections and will likely put pressure on the UN to certify the results.  The company is closely linked to Preval and has been also linked to his efforts to put in place this electoral coup according to many Haitians.  This company is also close to the MINUSTAH and Haiti’s Interim Reconstruction Commission, which is in charge of allocating the aid money. 

We also expect to see the powerful members of Haiti’s business cartel, Groupe de Bourdon, commenting in the international press about how well the elections went and that this marks a new chapter for Haiti.  This business cartel funded much of the coup and hand picked Mr. Celestin.  They account for 97% of Haiti’s economic activity but account for only 5% of the tax revenue. 

After the year the Haitian people have suffered, November 28 represented their chance to bring “hope and change” to Haiti.  More than 4.7 million people showed up today to participate in the process despite endless problems in the run up to the elections securing voter identification cards and identifying polling stations.  The CEP even admitted that they would not be able to update the voter registration lists to account for the 300,000 people who died in the earthquake.

Tomorrow when the candidates meet, they will likely discuss several options.  They could call for the replacement of the CEP with a non-partisan group of actors and an immediate re-organization of elections for January 14 -- or as soon as possible.  Alternatively, they could call for Article 149 of the Constitution to be invoked making the head of the Supreme Court the interim president in charge of organizing elections.  Whatever their chosen path, it must be quick and decisive.  Haiti cannot sustain a protracted political crisis.

Mardi 30 Novembre 

L'INITE a reussi la phase I du coup d'etat electoral. Ils ont empeche la participation massive de la population aux elections en s'assurant que les citoyens ne pouvaient pas retrouver leur bureau de vote pour voter. Ils ont aussi dans la soiree du Samedi 28 au Dimanche 29 Novembre rempli les urnes  a travers le pays. Lundi et tot Mardi l'INITE continuiait le remplissage des urnes dans de nombreux sections communales pendant que les candidats de l'opposition attendaient une annulation. En melangeant la propagande politique a travers les journalistes payes de l'INITE avec la violence de basse intensite (civils armes de l'INITE, elements de la PNH et MINUSTAH), cliquez ici: ils ont prit controle du desordre pour accoucher ce qu'ils voulaient.

Aide d'une gaffe de Michel Martelly, cliquez ici: INITE a exploite le Lundi 29 Novembre une fissure pour affaiblir l'opposition democratique pendant que le CEP changeait les resultats pour garantir que le parti au pouvoir obtienne deux choses. La premiere la majorite absolue au parlement (Senat et Chambre des Deputes) et la seconde envoyer Jude Celestin au second tour avec Miralnde Manigat. Ils ont pratiquement reussi a manipuler les resultats pour leur donner les deux tiers au parlement. Aller au deuxieme tour dans un scenario pareil sera un suicide collectif pour la democratie.

L'objectif de l'INITE est clair, le controle absolu du parlement, de la primature, de la presidence, d'un Conseil Electoral Permanent pour dix ans, de la Cour de Cassation, une nouvelle constitution lui permettant de rester au pouvoir indefiniement.

Malgre tout il n'est pas trop tard. Entre l'ambition personnelle et ces enjeux pour l'avenir collectif des citoyens et de la nation, Manigat, Martelly, Baker, Ceant et les autres comprennent-ils? Sauront-ils s'elever la hauteur des aspirations des citoyens d'Haiti et de la Diaspora? Ou, vont-ils dans un deuxieme tour fictif se laisser attraper comme des rats dans la ratiere de Preval comme ce fut le cas pour les candidats des senatoriales de 2009? Pour plus de details cliquez ici:

La concertation, le dialogue et un minimum de confiance peuvent aboutir a une victoire. L'ambition personnelle et individuelle accoucheront l'echec total et la fin d'une ere. L'opposition a trois jours pour decider de son avenir. Preval ne connait qu'un langage, la force du beton.

Ros-Lehtinen Expresses Regret About Irregularities In Haitian Elections;

Calls for immediate corrective action

(WASHINGTON) – U.S. Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), Ranking Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, expressed her regret regarding allegations of irregularities in today's  elections in Haiti and called for immediate action to correct the situation. 

Statement by Ros-Lehtinen:

"I am deeply concerned about and deeply regret reports of serious irregularities in today's elections in Haiti. They must be investigated immediately and steps taken to correct this wrong perpetrated against the democratic aspirations of the Haitian people.

"Going forward, I urge all parties to exercise calm. Violence must be avoided.  All parties and officials must work together to ensure that all necessary steps are taken so that the Haitian people can be confident in a fair and accurate result which reflects their will."


Senator Richard Lugar Statement on Haiti's Elections

Our hearing also coincides with elections in Haiti on Sunday. I and others urged President Preval to enact much needed reforms to ensure the credibility of these elections. He refused to do that. As a result, the elections have been fraught with numerous reports of irregularities and fraud.

Political uncertainty now threatens to exacerbate the human suffering in Haiti, where more than 200,000 people died as a result of the January earthquake and 1.3 million continue to live in tents. A cholera epidemic has killed more than 1,700 people in the past month.

The United States has an interest in helping to address the ongoing humanitarian problems in Haiti, and we will continue to do that through various means. But our willingness to direct funds through the Haitian government depends on the fair, transparent, and legal resolution of the current political crisis.

November 28, 2010 , 10:20 a.m.
After months of warnings by civil society leaders and political parties, President Preval is in the process of executing his electoral coup today, November 28, 2010.  It was widely reported that Preval had replaced members of the BEDs and BECs in most of the departments to put in place people loyal to him and his ruling party, INITE.  We also knew that 45% of the people had lost their electoral cards in the earthquake and that the voter lists were not updated to account for the 300,000 people who lost their lives in the earthquake.  Voters reported difficulties in securing their electoral cards after spending long hours at the local election precincts.

It should come as a surprise to no one that reports are streaming in this morning and afternoon about members of the ruling INITE party, in collusion with the partisan Provisional Electoral Council (in charge of election management), stuffed pre-marked ballots (in favor of INITE and their favored candidate Jude Celestin) into official ballot boxes overnight. Most of the 10 geographic departments of Haiti have reported voter intimidation and violence against voters showing up at the polls to cast their votes.

This election does not meet any of the minimum internationally accepted standards of a democratic election.  What is going on is an electoral coup d’etat executed by President Preval and his ruling INITE party.  After months of warning about this eventuality, the candidates that were leading the now have no other option than to retreat and call for national mobilization to counter the coup and the violence.  This is a shameful power grab and a travesty in a country that is still reeling from the disaster of the January earthquake and is now struggling to contain a massive cholera outbreak.

What remains to be seen is how the international and domestic media will cover this election process.  We hope they finally get this story right and side with the Haitian people who deserve the right to freely elect their leaders.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

UN Fires on Haitians Protesting against Cholera Epidemic and Corruption by Stanley Lucas

UN labels Haitian protestors “criminals”

Edmond Mulet, the head of the UN Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH), issued a press release on November 18 ( ) labeling Haitian protestors as “criminals”.  This press release is the latest insult in an increasingly strained relationship between the Haitian people and the UN Mission.

Mr. Mulet showed an extraordinary lack of cultural sensitivity to the Haitian people by issuing his release on that date which marks the day of the Battle of Vertieres (ères ), which marks the battle won on that day against the French occupiers.  This day may not mean anything to Mr. Mulet, but it is very significant to the eight million Haitians who live in a free republic today as a result of our ancestors fight against slavery and oppression.  To issue the release on that day is a special kind of political insult to the Haitian people.

But more importantly, it is astounding that a UN spokesperson would label peaceful protestors as “criminals”.  Peaceful protest is a fundamental principle of democracy. Thousands of Haitians have been taking to the streets for the past week to vent frustration against a myriad of issues, including the corruption of the Haitian government, the lack of results in the earthquake recovery effort, the UN role in the cholera epidemic, and the upcoming electoral coup being orchestrated by President Preval.  The protests have been heated – to be sure – but protestors are unarmed.  By no means does this meet the definition of a criminal act.

The Haitian people have lived in inhumane conditions since January 12.  Private citizens and the international community to help with the disaster and emergency response and to rebuild Haiti donated more than $4 billion.  Ten months later, rubble remains in the street and more than 1.7 million people live in 1,350 makeshift tent cities with no electricity, sanitation or regular access to food or healthcare. 

UN fires on protestors

Why was this offensive press release issued?  The UN needed to get in front of a story and yet another controversial action.  On November 17-18, UN troops fired on unarmed demonstrators in Cap Haitien ( ).  In an effort to frame the story, Mr. Mulet hastened to issue the press release and go on the offensive.

Haitian citizens have absolutely no recourse but peaceful protest.  On the one hand, they live under a corrupt and inept regime focused only on retaining power by rigging the upcoming elections robbing them of their right to choose new leadership for their ailing country.  And on the other hand, the international community, led by the UN, has failed to make any progress over the past 10 months and has only supported the corrupted electoral process despite overwhelming evidence that the fix is in. 

Firing on demonstrators is not the action of a peacekeeping force; these actions verge on the behavior of foreign occupiers.  At this point, it is difficult to see how Haitians will come to trust the UN and impossible to see how the UN will defend this story once it’s publicized. 

UN defies calls for cholera investigation

The simmering tensions with the UN reached a head when it became know that all evidence points to the Nepalese base of MINUSTAH being the source of the cholera outbreak (for a full summary of the evidence see:  and see . Protests have centered on this issue and broken out throughout the country.  The UN has steadfastly denied the charges and remained firm that identifying the source of the outbreak is merely a distraction.  And, for good measure, they impugned the Haitian culture as being rife with rumor mongering dismissing these claims as nothing but the latest rumors to sweep through the country.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  The UN is merely concerned with preserving its funding and reputation.

Haitians in the Mirebalais region obtained photographic evidence showing UN contractors dumping sewage from the Nepalese base of MINUSTAH into a tributary of the Artibonite River, a main source of drinking water for many of the tent camps. 

Furthermore, there is video evidence of Nepalese soldiers covering up the trenches connecting their toilets to the tributary ( ).  The same thing can happen in Fort Liberte in the North East Department where the sewage of the UN base was dumped in the Bassin Poisson of Fort Liberte Lac (see pictures below). The soldiers of that base are from Chile and Nepal. These Nepalese soldiers in the North might be also carrying the cholera bacteria.

The US CDC determined that the strain of cholera in Haiti is of South Asian origin. See: We know that six months prior to the cholera outbreak in Haiti, Kathmandu experienced a cholera outbreak.  There are no other troops from the South Asia region currently stationed in Haiti and unlikely that there are any South Asian aid workers currently in Haiti.  And, Nepalese troops arrived in Haiti shortly before the cholera outbreak. 

Suspicious information about medical test results were leaked by MINUSTAH as unofficial evidence that tests had been conducted on the soldiers.  The tests were supposedly conducted by CEDIMAT, a medical organization from the Dominican Republic, which has worked for MINUSTAH since 2004.  Until now it’s not clear whether or not the Nepalese soldiers have been tested.  The Dominican doctor, Maximo Rodriguez, an obesity specialist, was supposed to be in charge of administering the tests and admittedly has no expertise with infectious diseases.  Further, according to several epidemiologists interviewed by the Associated Press, his laboratory is incapable of conducting such tests.  The leaked testing report gives the name of the soldier, identifies his employer as MINUSTAH, and notes that he is a 40-year-old male.

And finally, a Swedish diplomat went on the record about the Nepalese soldiers being the source of the outbreak in Haiti: (

In the face of this evidence, the UN denies that there is conclusive proof that their Nepalese troops are the source of the outbreak.  With tensions already simmering against the UN after a series of controversies, this gross mismanagement of the issue brought the tensions to head and resulted in a series of angry protests throughout the country. 

Their mismanagement of this issue in the first place by failing to put in place proper controls has resulted in the introduction of cholera into an already desperate situation, but their refusal to acknowledge and deal with the source of the outbreak is egregious.  Why is it important to establish where the cholera originated?  Medically it helps provide more effective treatment and could prevent more deaths.  But the cost of dealing with this disease is significant and it is unclear now who is responsible for incurring those costs.  It is estimated that it will cost $5-10 billion to treat and contain the outbreak over the next several years.  Where will that money come from?  Will that come from the $10 billion that the international community pledged to help rebuild the country?  Or will the Haitian people have to pay for this?  This is a significant issue that the UN is hoping to defer.  Haitians should not be saddled with these costs, particularly if it comes at the expense of rebuilding the country.  In the US when BP was responsible for the worst oil spill in history, the US government held them accountable.  BP acknowledged their responsibility and set up a US$20 billion fund to help the victims the disaster. Why shouldn’t the Haitian government be able to hold the UN accountable?

HIRC awards no-bid contracts

Meanwhile, rebuilding is at an almost total standstill.  Rubble remains in the streets and there has been no effort to find more permanent housing solutions for the 1.7 million homeless people.  At a recent press conference, Bill Clinton, the UN Special Envoy to Haiti and co-chair of the newly formed Haitian Interim Recovery Commission (HIRC) pleaded for patience while they work through an action plan and a strategy for the long-term development of Haiti (link). 

So far, only 23% of the money has been committed.  Of that $200 million has been awarded to foreign contractors in no-bid contracts.  What does awarding foreign companies lucrative contracts do for Haiti in the long term?  Does it build capacity in-country?  Does it enrich the local economy?  Several commentators are starting to assert that the rebuilding is merely charity for profit (  After the round the clock Haiti coverage in the wake of the disaster in January, there has been only the most minor media attention to the glacial pace of rebuilding.

UN track record in Haiti

For overall context, it is worthwhile to review the UN’s track record in Haiti.  Since 2004, the UN has spent $4 billion maintaining a mission in Haiti -- most of the funding coming from the US taxpayers.  There is almost nothing to show for this expenditure.  No schools, hospitals or roads were built.  After six years, the country remains as unstable as it was the day they set up shop.  Instead, there has been a string of controversies.

MINUSTAH suffered heavy losses during the earthquake.  A significant percentage of their employees were killed and their headquarters collapsed.  This was shocking.  Since October 2002, the UN knew that Haiti sat on two fault lines and faced the imminent possibility that an earthquake would hit the country, but failed to make any preparations for such an event (

In 2007, members of MINUSTAH were implicated in a corruption scandal with Haiti’s Groupe de Bourdon business cartel.  The Groupe de Bourdon bribed MINUSTAH officials to secure the lucrative $10 million MINUSTAH oil import contract (

In 2008, UN soldiers from Sri Lanka soldiers were found to be exploiting Haitian women and paying for sex.  They were rushed out of the country to avoid having to face charges in Haiti (  Venezuelans soldiers did the exact same thing in 2010. (  Haitian women never received justice.

Then there was the recent cover up of the murder of 16-year-old Gerard Gilles in Cap Haitien, whose death was made to look like a suicide by MINUSTAH soldiers (  The MINUSTAH mission wrote to the Minister of Justice to seek diplomatic immunity from being called into the court system to answer questions about this crime.  Haitian Judge Heidi Hanabi refused to honor their request and called in the UN personnel responsible (  This week, MINUSTAH soldiers shot teargas at the judge’s house as retribution according to many citizens presumably in an effort to intimidate him. (

In 2009, it was widely known and reported that President Preval and his INITE coalition rigged the April and June legislative elections. Rodol Pierre, Vice President of the Haitian Electoral Council at that time, provided the MINUSTAH with documents and evidence supporting these claims, which were ignored by Mr. Mulet  (  In fact, there was no mention of any electoral manipulation by the ruling party, INITE,  in MINUSTAH’s September 2009 report to the Secretary General of the UN ( ) . 

Since the beginning of the 2010 electoral process, MINUSTAH has remained silent about the evidence of violations of the electoral law, the laws of Haiti, and the handling of the electoral process by President Preval, the Group de Bourdon and Preval’s INITE party.  By remaining silent, the UN has essentially guaranteed the illegality of the upcoming elections. 

And finally, for protesting against these injustices and the abysmal state of the country, Haitians have been fired upon and killed this month (

The UN’s role in Haiti needs serious scrutiny and an in-depth investigation.  Additionally, the head of MINUSTAH, Mr. Mulet should be investigated for presiding over this failed mission.  At this point, Mr. Mulet and his MINUSTAH are actually harming the country, and Haiti would be better off without them.  There are too many dire mistakes and controversies for them to continue to operate in Haiti without serious oversight and restructuring.  If they cannot clean up their act – they should withdraw.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Votre communique du 18 Novembre , jour de la Bataille de Vertieresères est une insulte aux traditions heroiques du peuple Haitien. Votre interview le jour suivant sur radio Signal FM m'a choque et est d'une arrogance sans pareille. 

Les citoyens de la republique d'Haiti malgre leurs frustrations ont ete patients depuis le 12 Janvier malgre les conditions deshumanisantes dans lesquelles ils vivent depuis plus de dix mois. Dans votre communique du 18 Novembre vous qualifiez de criminels des citoyens revendiquant leurs droits. Malgre vos dementis vos soldats ont tire a bout portant sur des citoyens desarmes, cliquez ici: ce qui ressemble au comportement d'une force d'occupation criminelle et non d'une force de la paix. Regardez la photo d'un jeune victime des tirs: 

Le pays est frustre parce que les citoyens americains ont donne 1.2 milliards de dollars amercains a Haiti et le gouvernement americain pres de 2.9 milliards. Ou est-ce argent? Vous avez approuve pour vos amis les contracteurs pres de US$200 millions de dollars, ou est cet argent? Le peuple ne recoit pratiquement rien pendant que sa misere est exploite par les pimps de la pauvrete qui continuent de collecter de l'argent en leur nom. Est-ce que les Nations Unies pratiquent de la charite pour le profit? Cliquez ici: Qu'avez vous apporté a Haiti : combien d'hopitaux modernes avez vous construits, combien de bateaux, d'heliciopteres et ambulances avez vous apporté a Haiti en termes de dons et que vous comptez laisser aux haitiens a votre depart pour faciliter les secours humanitaires d'urgence  lors d'eventuelles catastrophes naturelles ? Vous n'avez rien apporté et vous n'allez rien laisser , sauf votre arrogance !

Pis vous avez amene le cholera dans notre pays et vous ne voulez , comme tous les faussaires, pas encore  l'admettre. Vos dementis sont carrement insultants pour nous tous. et un diplomate Suedois a deja admis que les soldats Nepalais de la MINUSTAH sont responsables de la propagation du cholera en Haiti, cliquez ici: . 

Nous avons collecte un ensemble d'informations pointant du doigt les soldats Nepalais de la MINUSTAH comme etant la source du cholera en Haiti, cliquez ici: malgre tout vous continuez de nous mentir. 

Avec la complicite de certains Dominicains malhonnetes vous essayez de cacher l'origine du cholera. Mais des enquetes en Dominicanie vous ont deja demasqué. Allons Edmond, ce n'est pas l'image d'un honnete homme que vous demontrez mais celui d'un individu qui merite de repondre d'actes contraires aux principes de defense humanitaire par devant la Cour Internationale de la Haye  .Est-ce que ce sont les conseils de Michele Montas votre ex-porte parole?

Nous savons qu'une compagnie Dominicaine qui travaille pour vous depuis 2004 denommee CEDIMAT a sur votre demande urgente  essayé de tester (soit disant)  les soldats Nepalais sans avoir aucune aucune connaissance sur le cholera. D'ailleurs le responsable du CEDIMAT le Dr. Dominicain Maximo Rodriguez qui a signe les soit disant tests des soldats Nepalais est un specialite sur l'obesite et ne sait rien du cholera.

 Son rapport mentionne, nom du patien MINUSTAH, age du patient 40 ans, sexe masculin. Le laboratoire du Dr Rodriguez n'est pas du tout equipe pour realiser ce genre de test pour isoler la bacterie et determiner si les patients sont porteurs du cholera. Votre coup avec le Dr. Rodriguez pour caher la verite a echoue  Et vous persistez comme tout mulet a vouloir nous faire avaler de nouveaux dechets. 

Est-ce que la MINUSTAH a paye un pot de vin pour signer ce rapport bidon ou ont-ils d'autres complices Dominicains? Est-ce qu'il y a une strategie corrompue des membres de la MINUSTAH pour enterrer la responsablite de la mission dans la propagation du Cholera en Haiti? 

Ce ne serait pas la premiere fois que des membres de votre mission participent a la corruption en Haiti. Deja en 2007 les membres de la MINUSTAH etaient impliques dans la corruption avec les hommes corrompus du Groupe de Bourdon dans une affaire de contrat de petrole ou ils essayaient d'obtenir un pot de vin dans un deal de US$10 millions. cliquez ici: La facon dont vous traitez Haiti me rappelle un peu votre facon d'operer en Irak dans l'affaire nourriture pour du petrole. Ou sonje? Klikez la: Votre reaction a cette affaire de corruption etait la meme, on n'a rien avoir avec cette affaire. Ce qui s'est revele faux par la suite.

Au moins aux Etats Unis la compagnie petroliere anglaise BP a eu la decence de reconnaitre devant le president Barack Obama et le peuple americain sa responsabilite dans l'accident du golfe et avait paye US$ 20 milliards pour dedommager le peuple americain. Pourquoi ce double standard avec Haiti? Quand allez vous reconnaitre vos torts et dedommager le peuple Haitien? Deja 1500 Haitiens sont morts et 30.000 sont contamines par le cholera a cause de votre negligence. C'est cette meme negligence et incomptence qui a cause la mort de nombreux casques bleus en Haiti le 12 Janvier. Vous saviez qu'Haiti etait assise sur une faille sismique depuis octobre 2002, cliquez ici:   pourtant vous n'aviez pas un plan d'urgence et le pays que vous auriez du assister n'en avait pas un non plus. L'incompetence d'un amateur qui se croit co-president d'une republique de bananes.

Les soldats Shrilankais ont abuse les femmes Haitiennes. Vous avez laisse les soldats shrilankais partir sans que la justice Haitienne puisse faire son travail. Le soldats Venezueliens ont fait de meme, cliquez ici: ils sont encore la qu'avez-vous fait our donner justice a nos jeunes femmes violes par les troupes de la MINUSTAH?  Ne parlons pas du cas du jeune Gerad Gilles, 16 ans, tue par les soldats de la base de la MINUSTAH dans le Nord qui ont essaye de le faire passer pour un suicide, cliquez sur: La mission a essaye de cacher et d'enterrer l'affaire mais le juge Haitien Heidi Hanabi s'y est oppose et a convoque devant la justice Haitienne les responsables. Pour plus de details cliquez ici: Reclamant l'immunite diplomatique vous avez refuse a la justice Haitienne son droit souverain. C'est pourquoi on se demande si c'est en signe de revanche que cette semaine les soldats ont tire cette semaine sur la maison du juge Hanabi? Pour plus de details cliquez ici:

La MINUSTAH ne supporte pas la democratie en Haiti voir des elections libres. Lors des elections legislatives de d'Avril et de Juin 2009 le president Preval et l'INITE ont organise un coup d'etat electoral, votre mission n'a rien dit au contraire vous l'avez cautionne. Malgre les documents fournis par le Vice President du CEP Monsieur Rodol Pierre et les autres acteurs Haitiens sur la manipulation des resultats des elections legislatives de 2009 cliquez ici: dans le rapport de Septembre 2009 du Secretaire General des Nations Unies que vous avez prepare aucun mention n'a ete fait du coup d'etat electoral, cliquez ici:  

Depuis le debut du processus electoral de 2010 votre mission est restee silencieuse sur les violations de la loi electorale, les lois de la republique et les manipulations du processus electoral par le President Preval, le Groupe de Bourdon et l'INITE. Vous cautionnez l'illegalite et accompagnez le nouveau coup d'etat electoral du president Preval prevu pour le 28 Novembre prochain. 

Depuis quelques jours pour mieux accompagner le coup d'etat electoral vos soldats tirent sur des manifestants qui protestent contre leurs conditions de vies, le cholera que vous avez amene en Haiti. cliquez ici: Est-ce pour cacher vos echecs que vous etes force d'accompagner le president Preval et les corrompus du Groupe de Bourdon que vous avez reconnus comme vos amis dans l'interview de Signal FM? Ou est la decence dans cette affaire? 

Haiti n'avalera pas l'impunite et les negligences criminelles de la MINUSTAH. Les citoyens de la diaspora trouveront un moyen pour porter plainte contre cette mission pour leurs familles que vous detruisez en Haiti, en toute conscience et dans l'indecence la plus parfaite. Les Haitiens ne sont pas tous morts monsieur et ils ne ressemblent pas tous a René Préval.

Status of Haiti's Upcoming Elections

wen se echantiyon yon ras kap boujonnen, men ki poko donnen

Monday, November 1, 2010

Cholera in Haiti: Is the United Nations Mission trying to cover up the origin of the epidemic? By Stanley Lucas (Version Francaise a la fin)

Before and after the January 12 earthquake that devastated Haiti, the country was cholera-free -- it never appeared on the global list of countries contaminated by cholera.  That all changed in mid-October this year when a cholera outbreak was registered in the lower Central Plateau immediately giving rise to many theories on the origin of the outbreak.
View Overall Haiti Cholera Epidemic Map in a larger map   Recent developments pinpoint the source to the Nepalese base of United Nations Mission (MINUSTAH) in Haiti.

New photos and video evidence (see below) show a truck from the Nepalese MINUSTAH base dumping sewage into a tributary of the Artibonite River in Mirebalais.  Sewage traveled 400m and contaminated the Artibonite -- a major source of clean water for the Central Plateau and the Artibonite areas. 

The head of Nepal's mission in Haiti, Lt. Col. Krishna, second from left, and Prakash Neupane, deputy chief of the MINUSTAH engineering section, left, walks by pipes coming from latrines that lead to septic tanks that crosses a canal that leads to the Artibonite River at Nepal's U.N. base in Mirebalais, Haiti, Sunday Oct. 31, 2010. A cholera outbreak that has killed more than 300 people in Haiti matches strains commonly found in South Asia, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Monday, intensifying the scrutiny of a U.N. base that is home to recently arrived Nepalese peacekeepers, built on a tributary to the Artibonite River. (AP Photo/Ramon Espinosa)
The head of Nepal's mission in Haiti, Lt. Col. Krishna, second from left, and Prakash Neupane, deputy chief of the MINUSTAH engineering section, left, walks by pipes coming from latrines that lead to septic tanks that crosses a canal that leads to the Artibonite River at Nepal's U.N. base in Mirebalais, Haiti, Sunday Oct. 31, 2010. A cholera outbreak that has killed more than 300 people in Haiti matches strains commonly found in South Asia, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Monday, intensifying the scrutiny of a U.N. base that is home to recently arrived Nepalese peacekeepers, built on a tributary to the Artibonite River. (AP Photo/Ramon Espinosa) (Ramon Espinosa - AP

Aljazeera, the Middle East news outlet, also discovered that the toilets in the Nepalese base in Mirebalais are connected to a tributary connected to the Artibonite.  The video shows UN Nepalese soldiers making a hasty effort to close the drains without notifying Haitian authorities.  In the Aljazeera video (see: ), and from CNN click here: the efforts to contain the spill appear to be a cover up.  It is worth mentioning that a cholera outbreak started in Kathmandu a couple weeks before the Nepalese contingency arrived in Haiti (see: ) and furthermore, the U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC) determined that the current cholera strain is most similar to a cholera strain from South Asia. See:

The United Nations has denied any connection to the spread of the cholera bacteria (see: ), and has launched an internal investigation.  Many observers in Haiti are outraged that the UN thinks it can serve as both judge and jury raising questions about how they will hold themselves accountable if their findings confirm that the source of the outbreak was a UN base. Hundreds of Haitian citizens in Mirebalais protested on October 29 in front of the Nepalese UN base. 

Over the past six years, MINUSTAH has spent more than $3.2 billion to build up the country’s security and democracy institutions – both which remain in an abysmal state of affairs.  Public confidence in the MINUSTAH is at an all time low following a string of controversies in Haiti since 2004.  In 2007, the Haitian press reported that more than 100 UN soldiers from Sri Lanka were being sent back to their country for misconduct after “sexual abuse and exploitation” charges were leveled against them.  They were returned to Sri Lanka without facing charges in Haiti. 

In 2009, MINUSTAH certified senatorial elections rigged by President Preval and his INITE ruling party coalition.  Despite a string of evidence pointing to similar efforts to rig the upcoming November 28 elections, the MINUSTAH mission has remained silent.  On January 12, they had a complete lack of an effective emergency plan resulting in the death of many UN workers and the collapse of their headquarters.  The US military had to step in to provide damage control and emergency response.  MINUSTAH has also failed Haitians in the reconstruction process.  The reconstruction exercises of the UN through DCSRNP and the PDNA looks more like a bunch of academic exercises than concrete actions to build capacity in-country.  As a result of their failed reconstruction efforts, 10 months after the earthquake 1.7 million people are still living in 1,370 makeshift camps that do not meet international standards.  In September, a 16-year-old resident of Cap Haitien was killed in a MINUSTAH run camp.  MINUSTAH officials made it look like a suicide, but when residents protested a Haitian judge summoned the officials to appear in court.  They claimed immunity and refused to appear. 

And now to add to the list of problems in the country, it seems their failure to put in place straightforward hygiene measures to prevent epidemic outbreaks has lead to a serious cholera outbreak leaving 411 people dead and 5,010 contaminated.  No one knows how long it will take to contain the current epidemic, but questions arise over whether or not holding elections in 27 days will be prudent.

The UN has a track record of failure in Haiti.  The UN leadership should take a serious look at the MINUSTAH mission before more damage is done to our fragile country.  Perhaps it is time for the Haitian Government to step up and provide some leadership as well – rather than just allowing the UN and other NGOs to operate independently.  The UN and international aid organizations have spent more than $11 billion in Haiti over the past two decades – with nothing to show for their efforts.  It is time to overhaul the MINUSTAH’s mission in Haiti – and take a closer look at foreign aid in general. 
For more on this see: Experts, Did UN Troops Infect Haiti by Jonathan M. Katz:
Choléra en Haïti: La Mission des Nations Unies essaie-t-elle de cacher l'origine de l'épidémie? Par Lucas Stanley

Avant et après le séisme du 12 Janvier qui a dévasté Haïti, le pays n’avait pas de cholera – Haiti n'a jamais figuré sur la liste mondiale des pays contaminés par le choléra. Tout cela a changé à la mi-Octobre de cette année quand une épidémie de choléra a éclatée dans le bas du Plateau Central. Cela a immédiatement donné lieu à de nombreuses théories sur l'origine de cette épidémie. Les développements récents pointent le doigt vers la base népalaise de la Mission des Nations Unies (MINUSTAH) en Haïti dans cette région comme source à l’origine de cette épidémie.

De nouvelles photos et un vidéo (voir ples photos plus haut dans la version anglaise) montrent un camion de la base Nepalaise de la MINUSTAH deversant des dechets liquides des soldats de la base dans un affluent du fleuve Artibonite à Mirebalais. Ces dechets liquides semblent-ils ont contaminé le fleuve Artibonite - une source importante d'eau potable pour le Plateau Central et dans les regions du departement de l’Artibonite.

The head of Nepal's mission in Haiti, Lt. Col. Krishna, second from left, and Prakash Neupane, deputy chief of the MINUSTAH engineering section, left, walks by pipes coming from latrines that lead to septic tanks that crosses a canal that leads to the Artibonite River at Nepal's U.N. base in Mirebalais, Haiti, Sunday Oct. 31, 2010. A cholera outbreak that has killed more than 300 people in Haiti matches strains commonly found in South Asia, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Monday, intensifying the scrutiny of a U.N. base that is home to recently arrived Nepalese peacekeepers, built on a tributary to the Artibonite River. (AP Photo/Ramon Espinosa)
Le chef de la mission Nepalaise en Haiti, le Lt Colonel Krishna, et Prakash Neupane, le second vers la gauche, Assistant en Chef de la section de genie de la MINUSTAH qui marchent a cote du canal qui conduit les dechets des latrines de la base de la MINUSTAH a un canal qui tombe dans la riviere Artibonite. Dimanche 31 Oct, 2010 (photo AP, Ramon Espinosa)

Al Jazeera, le media du Moyen-Orient, a également découvert que les toilettes de la base du Népalaise à Mirebalais sont connectées à un affluent relié à l'Artibonite. La vidéo montre des soldats Nepalais des Nations Unies en train de fermer a la hâte les canaux sans en aviser les autorités haïtiennes. Pour visionner la vidéo d'Al Jazeera, cliquez ici: Ces efforts pour boucher les canaux et contenir le déversement des dechets ressemblemt à un effort pour caher les faits. Il est à noter qu'une épidémie de choléra a commencé à Katmandou, Nepal quelques semaines avant l'arrivee des soldats Népalais de la Mission Militaire des Nations Unies en Haiti (MINUSTAH). Pour confirmer cliquez ici: et, en plus le Centre de recherche des Etats Unis sur les maladies (CDC) a detrmine que la bacterie Cholera reetrouve en Haiti est très semblable à une souche de choléra en Asie du Sud. Pour confirmer voir:  Malgre tout, l'Organisation des Nations Unies a nié tout lien avec la propagation de la bactérie du choléra en Haiti, voir:  L’ONU a lancé une enquête interne. De nombreux observateurs en Haïti sont scandalisés par le fait que l'ONU veut etre à la fois juge et partie. Nombreux sont les citoyens Haitiens qui se demandent comment vont-ils se responsabliser si leurs résultats confirment que la source de l'éclosion a été la base des Nations Unies a Mirebalais? Deja des centaines de citoyens haïtiens à Mirebalais protestaient le 29 Octobre devant la base népalaise de l'ONU.  

Au cours des six dernières années, la MINUSTAH a dépensé plus de $ 3,2 milliards, pour assister Haiti dans la mise place des forces de sécurité du pays et le renforcement des institutions démocratiques - Ces deux efforts, malgre des progress tres minces, sont dans un état lamentable. Après une série de controverses en Haïti depuis 2004, la confiance du public Haitien dans la MINUSTAH est à son niveau le plus bas. En 2007, la presse haïtienne a rapporté que plus de 100 soldats de l'ONU venant du Sri Lanka ont été renvoyés dans leur pays pour faute après que des accusations ont été portées contre eux pour «abus et l'exploitation sexuels". Ils ont été renvoyés au Sri Lanka sans repondre à ces accusations devant la justice Haïtienne.

En 2009, la MINUSTAH a certifié des élections sénatoriales dont ls resultats ont ete manipulés par le Président Préval en faveur de sa coalition au pouvoir INITE. Malgré la presentation de preuves montrant des efforts similaires pour manipuler les prochaines élections qui doivent se tenir le 28 Novembre, la MINUSTAH continue de garder son silence. Le 12 Janvier, l’absence totale d'un plan d'urgence efficace a résulté en la mort de nombreux travailleurs de l'ONU et l'effondrement de leur siège. L'armée américaine a dû intervenir pour assurer le contrôle des dommages et et garantir les interventions d'urgences. La MINUSTAH a également decu les Haïtiens dans le processus de reconstruction. Les exercices de reconstruction de l'ONU a travers la preparation du DCSRNP, du PDNA et de la Commission Inerimaire de Reconstruction ressemblent plus à un tas d'exercices académiques que des actions concrètes pour renforcer les capacités dans le pays et repondre aux besoins de la population. Comme resultats de ces efforts bidons, 10 mois après le tremblement de terre 1,7 million de personnes vivent toujours dans 1370 camps de fortune qui ne répondent pas aux normes internationales. Alors que le professeur Kit Miyamoto a clairement demontre qu’en neuf mois son programme pourrait repare 120.000 maisons endomagees et permettrait a 900.000 personnes de sortir des rues et rentrer chez eux. Cout US$ 180 millions. Malgre tout rien n’a ete fait. Les cyniques diront que les ONG et l’ONU preferent garder les Haitiens dans les camps pour continuer a collecter de l’argent en leur noms.

En Septembre, un résident de 16 ans de Cap-Haïtien a été tué dans le camp du Nord de la MINUSTAH.  Les responsables de la MINUSTAH ont essaye de le faire passer pour un suicide. Mais quand les habitants de la zone ont protesté un juge Haitien a convoqué les responsables de la MINUSTAH à comparaître devant la justice. Ils ont tout de suite fait valoir leur immunité et ont refusé de comparaître.

Et maintenant, pour ajouter à la liste de ces problèmes causes par la MINUSTAH en Haiti, il semble que leur défaillance à mettre en place des mesures d'hygiène simples pour éviter les flambées épidémiques a conduit à une grave épidémie de choléra qui a déjà fait 411 morts et 5.010 contaminés. Personne ne sait combien de temps il faudra pour contenir l'épidémie actuelle, mais des questions se posent si il serait prudent d’organiser les élections dans 27 jours.

L'ONU a un bilan de d'échec en Haïti. La direction de l'ONU devrait se pencher sérieusement sur la mission MINUSTAH avant que d'autres dommages soient causés à notre pays fragile. Peut-être qu'il est temps pour le Gouvernement haïtien de prendre le taureau par les cornes et de fournir un leadership ainsi - plutôt que de laisser l'ONU et d'autres ONG fonctionner de maniere indépendante.

L'ONU et les organisations internationales ont depensé plus de 11 milliards de dollars en Haïti au cours des deux dernières décennies - avec rien à montrer pour leurs efforts. Il est temps de r éevaluer la Mission de l’ONU en Haiti (MINUSTAH) - et regarder de plus près l’utilisation de l'aide étrangère en général. 

Pour plus d'informations sur le sujet lire: Experts, Est-ce que les Troupes des Nations Unies sont responsables de la Contamination d'Haiti? par Jonathan Katz:

Reseau Haitien de Defense des Droits Humains: L'Etat Haitien doit fixer la responsabilite de la MINUSTAH:

Pour les dernieres nouvelles sur l’ épidémie du cholera en Haiti, cliquez ici: